Friday, February 17, 2012

What do you want to know most that will help you cook better tasting BBQ's?|||Are you the BBQ god? Because a lot of people have been looking for you!


Ok - sorry for the sarcasm - now that you've explained yourself, I understand the question better! I would definitely want recipes, but as someone who loves to cook I appreciate the "Why's" of things, too - such as why you want it to marinade for a long period (tenderness, flavor, tough cut), why the meat needs to rest before cutting into, why certain cuts are cooked differently, etc - that was all stuff that really made me grasp cooking things properly! So yes, I would add some commentary or helpful hints or facts that pertain to what you're writing!|||I already know what I need to know.|||what interesting things do you have to tell someone about making bbq?|||I add honey to the sauce to give it a unique taste. Other than that I can use cracked pepper, basil, parsley or cilantro to change it up a bit.

Don't really need to know anything, I live in the south and barbecue is everywhere.

Different ideas are nice to know, I like putting a twist on food to make it unique from the norm.|||I really think BBQ and cooking are down to personall preferance.

I might chuck some meat into a maranaid, or maybe not - To be fair If I cook for other people, which I do i leave it up to them on what they want.

I am a lover of Garlic, I will cook everything in garlic if I could - but I cant.

Maranaid sauce sometimes make me not enjoy the meal - so I always put the sauce on afterwards unless im ask otherwise.|||I have 3 barbeque cookbooks so I don't think I have any questions for you. Been there, done that.


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