Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Over the last year, I've accumulated quite a few packets of ketchup, BBQ sauces, etc. from fast food restaurants. How long will these stay good for? They don't have expiration dates. Thanks!|||Most of the packets have a shelf life of only 3 months.|||Thanks.

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|||Probably for a couple of months also it depends where you stash them if they're in a dry place, their probably gonna last like three days.|||They have preservatives. are sterilized and vacuum packed. They will last longer than you or I will.|||well they say two things will last in a nuclear war, and thats cockroaches and fast food condiments.
this answer is legit.
kthanksbye|||They can stay good for a very long time because of the preservatives, say 6 years.|||Those darn things have been sitting in the restaurants since the early 1700's.|||for 1 year maybe|||Ask them at the drive-thru or maybe even call 'em up!


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