Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I remember having a fantastic burger at a BBQ that had a good amount of pulled pork, and I was wondering how long it would take for pork to be Barbequed long enough to be considered pulled pork.

I'm a patient person, and I know true BBQ takes a while, but IDK how long.|||to cook the pork to tenderness of pulled pork, do not put it on bbq or grill it first. Always put in crock pot/slow cooker and some liquid and stew to tenderness. Takes about 4 to 6 hours.

shred or "pull" apart, I chop it with large butcher knife so it is in small bite size pieces, then add the BBQ sauce of your choice and reheat in oven or on grill. I really like those Beam and Jack BBQ sauces for this. Smaller bottles so none left over that isn't enough to do much with.|||It will depend on the cut of the meat, normally shoulder.
Go by temperature and timing as you need to allow it to rest for 15-20 percent of the coking time.

Once the meat reaches an internal temperature should reach around 180 degrees F to 190 degrees F it is ready to be pulled. You can serve the meat once it reaches 165 degrees F, but it will be hard to pull apart. Typically you can pull the meat easily once the internal temperature reaches 190 degrees F, but you don't want to go above this and the higher the temperature goes the greater the chance it will dry out. Always keep an eye on smoking meat.|||Barbecue is a noun, not a verb. Barbecue pork is made in a pit, or a barbecue cooker or kettle grill. It is usually an all day thing but smaller amounts of meat take less time. To properly cook a shoulder can take 8-9 hours. For whole hog consider 24 hours.
Those of us who grew up on barbecue NEVER consider it pulled pork bevcause it is not pulled pork - it is barbecue. Barbecue is sliced or chopped.
Here are instructions for making shoulder barbecue in a kettle grill鈥?/a>

If you are ever in N.C. don't ever ask for pulled pork, get barbecue, unless maybe yoou are at a northern style deli at the mall.|||Traditionally pulled pork is made from the tougher cuts like the shoulder. You have to keep the pork moist and it will need to cook for at least an hour and a half, more if the piece of pork is thick.|||It usually takes several hours to smoke one, BBQ sauce is added toward the end of the cooking process. (By the way pulled pork is a pork loin that has been torn apart, but cooked whole)


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