Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My son is about to go to a friend's 21st B-day BBQ, it appears there is only 1 person already there. My son has called several other people to know if they're going and almost all have said no. My son is worried nobody is going to show and wants to know what he should say to his friend so that he doesn't feel bad.

Any suggestions??

Thanks!|||He shouldn't say anything at all, just act like everything is perfectly fine.

Think about it, if you had cancer would you want everybody saying oh I'm so sorry or to just make the most of the time they had left with you?|||Say that there is some big event going on somewhere else that is happening at the moment that everybody went to. Make up a story about like some band that he doesn't know making a surprise visit to town and everybody went to see them, something like that. You know? Or say that one of his other friends was also having a party that everybody was going to. Make up anything.

Or say that somebody died. Or just tell him that nobody likes him.|||Just tell him to tell his friend, "Hey skip there will be plenty of cheese for you later when them BBQ's are be full of meat". and while your son is saying this pick up a bunch of hookers, preferably fat girls with fake Playboy bunny ears, and then there will be meat that doesn't need to be roasted|||I would just tell him that its not the quantity of the friends is the quality of his friends I would rather have 1 great friend who I could always trust than 50 people who claim to be friends but don't give a crap about you.|||"I'm really sorry that the others were either unavailable or not interested. I feel your pain. You are a good friend and you deserve better than this."|||say "happy 21st bday"


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