Thursday, February 9, 2012

We are planning a get together tomorrow, nothing to do with the wedding, it's to mark a year passing since a mate died. A few of the people are adamant is should be a BBQ, I can see it turning into a farce and us getting chucked out. Also, I tend to agree that safety wise it's not the best plan but it's not up to me to make the rules. Is it legal?|||There are barbeques in our local parks all the time, I don't know how many are disposable, I think some are grill pans or even camping b-b-q sets, especially among the fishermen who are there overnight. But day visitors have them too. The problem is, not so much that they are illegal, as that is ignored anyway but they often start fires and especially at this time when there is still much nesting/baby animals, it is sad to see large areas of parkland/nature reserve destroyed by fire. It's not just the b-b-q as it wouldn't happen if people made sure that they have water and the fire is supervised but of course people drink rather a lot and lose concentration, so it is not long before there is a disaster.
My suggestion to anyone wanting to have a b-b-q, is that your garden is the safest place, or a beach where there isn't so much likelihood of starting a fire (I am not saying it is any more legal)
There maybe should be safe b-b-q areas, which people can use.

I am sorry about your friend and whatever you all chose to do, I hope you had a safe get together and were able to remember the good times with your mate.|||At most parks they are not allowed - as you say, due to safety reasons. There have been too many idiots who do not watch the bbq and also do not dispose of it safely. It's always the few idiots who ruin the fun for the rest of us! If you can't use the local park - and I'm pretty sure you will not be able too, can you get to an out of town beach or local common where it will probably be allowed.|||Yes, you can have a disposable BBQ in a public park. The problem may come when you light it, so don't light it.|||Check the byelaws listed at the entrance to the park. In most parks they are not allowed.|||Yes, Absolutely.....Try speaking to your local council they will be glad to help.|||Yes i think so|||I would check local laws if I was you to make sure!!!


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